December 3rd: RGC 1404 51 Ebbw Vale 17

HOME > December 3rd: RGC 1404 51 Ebbw Vale 17

First things first: RGC played some superb rugby, particularly in the first half when their pace, support play, off-loading and punch through midfield were top class. Ebbw simply couldn’t live with them and, 43-10 down at half time, the hardy Steelmen supporters who had made the long trek, were predicting worse to come. The only thing Ebbw were doing well was scrummaging, pushing the host back yards, time and time again, and that led to a penalty try, converted by Dai Langdon, whose later penalty took his team to double figures.
Without taking anything away from the home team, two of their six (yes six) first half tries included more than a suspicion of crossing/blocking, but officials often seem to miss that particular offence. In any case, the sixth try, scored by Man of the Match Tiaan Loots was a classic of counter attacking from turnover ball, and should win Try of the Week.
Bizarrely and against expectations, the score stayed at 43-10 until second half injury time. Ebbw actually dominated possession and territory but couldn’t score. A break out try took RGC to 48, then debutant Jack Goodey crossed for Ebbw but the home side broke the 50 barrier with a final penalty. 51-17 it finished; a great day for RGC but one the Steelmen may want to forget, but shouldn’t.

The North Walians were clearly delighted at overturning the champions – their first win against Ebbw during the long climb up the through the divisions – and are nailed on for a top eight finish in January. For Ebbw, other results pushed them down to 9th, and it will be a tense time as the first half of the season approaches its end.


Does dim dwywaith amdani, Chwaraeodd RGC rygbi gwych, yn enwedig yn yr hanner cyntaf, ac yn hollol haeddu’r fuddugoliaeth. Roedd eu cyflymder, cefnogaeth, dadlwytho a nerth trwy ganol y cae o’r safon uchaf, a doedd Glynebwy ddim yn gallu ymdopi.

Daeth 6 chais cyn yr egwyl – ie, chwech – a’r chweched yn glasur o sgôr gan ganolwr o Dde Affrig, a Seren y Gêm, Tiaan Loots. Fyddwch chi ddim yn gweld enghraifft well o wrthymosod y tymor hwn.

43-10 oedd hi ar yr egwyl ac roedd y fyddin fach o gefnogwyr Glynebwy on ofni am yr ail hanner. Sgrymio oedd yr unig beth bod Glynbwy yn gwneud yn dda, gan ddinistrio’u gwrthwynebwyr tro ar ôl tro ac yn ennill cais cosb fel canlyn. Trosiad a chic cosb gan Dai Langon aeth â chyfanswm Gwyr y Dur i 10 pwynt.

Rhyfedd iawn oedd y ffaith bod y sgôr dal yn 43-10 tan yn hwyr iawn yn yr ail hanner. Pob clod i Lynebwy, oedd yn ennill cryn dipyn o feddiant a thiriogaeth… ond heb sgorio. Ar ddiwedd y gêm, daeth cais olaf i RGC – ond daeth Glynebw yn ôl are unwaith, gyda Jack Goodey – yn ei gêm gyntaf – yn sgorio ond cafodd RGC gyfle olaf i fyn dros 50 pwynt gan gic cosb. 51-17 oedd hi ar ddiwedd gêm gofiadwy i RGC, ond siomedig iawn i’r pencampwyr.

Gobeithio cawn gyfle i groesawu’r Gogs i Barc Eugene Cross cyn diwedd y tymor, ond bydd hynny’n dibynnu ar ein canlyniadau yn erbyn Bedwas, Caerdydd a Cross Keys.

15 Dan Haymond
14 Craig Duncan
13 Srdan Majkic
12 Nathan Preece
11 Chris Levesley
10 Dai Langdon
9 Dai Jones
8 Jack Goodey
7 Ronny Kynes
6 Rhys Clarke
5 Max Williams
4 Damien Hudd (capt)
3 Gethin Robinson
2 Joe Franchi
1 Ross Jones

16 Jonny Bowen
17 Ian George
18 Josh James
19 Joe Bartlett
20 Rhodri Dicks
21 Chris Thomas
22 Jordan Howells
23 Ryan Gardner

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